Saturday 20 July 2024

Funding Those in Poverty

This is     Money and Poverty

      also   The Great Depression +

      also     JQ CV

      also     Making Friends

      also       World Stories    Disabled help                                                          

20 July 2024

You do Know that the 6 Day War in 1967 (5 to 10 June) cost Israel $ one billion USD? Just think how many trips to the Red Sea that could have paid Egypt for - the Israeli's waged war to open the Strait of Tiran (to the Red Sea), for in May 1967, Egyptian President Nasser had announced that the Strait of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels, because of escalating tensions - generated by Israel of course.

And recently Israel ordered more F35 jets from USA for $ 3 billion USD - imagine how many friends in Palestine that could have made! On top of the billions already spent over the last 50 years on the Military......instead of support for business and trade to increase Palestine's workers income, and overall, happiness. 



I have found that extreme poverty is defined as living below $1.90 a day in 2011 prices, so about $2.50 today.

Yemen as example : 30 million people, 80% in poverty (0.8 x 30 = 24). 

$2.50 x 365 x 24 million = $21.9bn - how are we to help them by that amount? UK FCDO budget is only about $5bn a year.

As a first step :

Instead of funding Yemen the very small amount the UK do - about £117 million this year, which = £4.88 (about $6.25) a year for each person in poverty! this should be increased to about £2.0bn ($2.5bn). giving machinery and computers to help them build their own businesses. Give a family a fish, and they will live for a day - give them a business and they could live for years.

Clearly training will be a big need. 

And a Foreign Company who want to invest in Humanitarian Aid as part of its charitable work, should also supply such equipment, even invest in construction work - without receiving any payback? - they should be taxed at least 50%?, so that the rest of the profits go to the Yemeni employees. Do they have employment law in Yemen, that could be used, or is new legal stuff needed? Ask Iran to help.

A problem - which group of people in Yemen do you persuade to take part in this? The Houthi preferably, for they are the biggest tribe, but how about through Iran's New President Elect? He to sort out in Yemen who should be the organisers....

So, a challenge - we need someone to make the offer .... to Iran. The $2.5bn amount having been agreed.

Oh, the UK FCDO should stop paying such small amounts as they do to so many poor nations, for it is not doing any much good - They should concentrate on just this one, Yemen, so we need a concerted UN effort to coordinate many countries support of the poverty stricken - each Rich Nation supporting One Poor Nation - as in child fostering, providing nurture and help to grow.

I prefer UK support Yemen because they were ignorant enough to bomb them.....and they have to learn how to make friends and influence people in payback to them.

Added on 25 July 2024 : And the UK and USA already know my view that the Houthi only fired missiles at shipping destined for Israel in the Red Sea, because of the holocaust in Gaza, and that was the only way the "West" would listen to their Arab friends complaint. The shipping should then have gone around South Africa to ports in the Mediterranean - it would have cost a few pennies more - not the millions and millions cost of the bombs dropped on Yemen - the poorest Nation on Earth.

The UN recognised Government in Yemen is not legitimate - they want to break Yemen up into small territories, while the Houthi are the biggest tribe in Yemen and want to keep it one whole country - and should be recognised as better Leaders.

And : The UK Government ignore our Cost Effectivity derived Vee diagram shown in this blog below, which shows you MUST spend more time calculating and investigating before launch. If you manufacture, and then change the design after that launch, the cost will increase hugely because you have then to remanufacture and retest - to certify the result.

HS2 rail launched for Political Glamour to keep up with Europe, with NO idea of the cost - £11 billion guess (not estimate!!), to £50 billion estimate today, and No Need to go all the way into Euston, for the underground could be taken at an earlier junction. They should cancel the whole project for speeds from Birmingham to London are already about 90 mph average, so HS will not benefit travellers time Cost Effectively. 

The UK Government does not ASK us to Lead at a Senior Level, for they just want us digging with low salary fork and spade (so us Qualified ones go elsewhere), while financier idiots at the top make a huge mess!! 

                  Jim                  10th July 2024